Carotid Duplex.


What is it?

A Carotid Duplex ultrasound is used to take pictures of your carotid arteries and determine whether there are any blockages or signs of narrowing, also known as stenosis. A doppler signal is used to assess how effectively blood is flowing through your arteries.

Why we do it?

Blood clots can be created in your carotid arteries if a buildup of cholesterol plaque begins to form. If these clots break away, they could travel to your brain and lead to a stroke.

This plaque buildup in your carotid arteries is called carotid artery disease, and it is a major risk factor for strokes.

Some early warning symptoms of a stroke are:

  • weakness, numbness, or tingling on one side of your body or in your arm or leg

  • an inability to move your arm or leg

  • an inability to speak clearly, or having garbled speech

  • an inability to see in one eye, or tunnel vision

Plaque buildup can be a result of:

  • smoking

  • not exercising enough

  • high cholesterol

  • being overweight

  • having diabetes

  • having certain genetic factors

  • having high blood pressure

How should you prepare?

No special preparations are needed, but you should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

How long does the test last?

The test lasts for approximately 15 minutes.