ABI and Arterial Study


What is it?

An Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) and Arterial study is a noninvasive test most commonly ordered to check for peripheral artery disease (PAD). This test is an effective method for assessing arterial circulation and blood flow to your arms and legs.

Why we do it?

If you are diagnosed with PAD, then you have blockages in the arteries that make up your arms and legs. These blockages slow down your blood flow and limit the oxygen received by your limbs. The ABI and Arterial study tests for these potential blockages and allows your provider to order a comprehensive care plan.

When is it ordered?

Your chances of PAD are higher than normal.

You’re more likely to get PAD as you get older. Even if you don’t have any symptoms, you may want to get the test if you’re 70 or older.

You’re also more likely to have this kind of blood flow problem if you’re 50 or older and you have any of these:

  • A history of smoking

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

You have symptoms of PAD.

The main thing you may notice is pain in your legs when you walk or climb stairs. They might feel heavy, numb, or weak.

You may also have these symptoms:

  • Less hair on your legs than normal

  • One leg feels colder

  • Skin looks pale or kind of blue

  • Sores on your toes, feet, and legs that don’t heal the way they should

  • Toenails that grow more slowly than they once did

  • Trouble getting an erection, often in men who have diabetes

You know that you have PAD.

If you know you have it, your doctor might use the test to see how your treatment has worked.

How should you prepare?

No special preparations are needed, but you should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

How long does the test last?

The test lasts for approximately 30 minutes.